Your Mental Health May Be Impacting Your Business Success

Did you know that distorted beliefs about yourself and your capabilities can profoundly impact your business? Mental health isn’t just a personal issue—it can significantly affect your professional success and entrepreneurial potential. Most people wouldn’t even fathom the extent to which their mental health can influence their business outcomes. Often referred to as business stress is defined as a state of emotional or mental pressure caused by external stressors at work or by the person’s internal response to unfavorable work circumstances, is also known as workplace stress (Smith, 2023).

In reality, these internal struggles often seep into your professional life, affecting how you make decisions, set goals, and interact with others. As a licensed psychotherapist, I often see the how unresolved mental health issues can lead to a lack of confidence, fear of failure, and imposter syndrome, significantly impacting every aspect of a person’s live including both their professional and personal life- and quite frankly its quite disheartening. This often results in missed opportunities, lower productivity, and ultimately, diminished business growth.


So, What Can You Do About It?

I recently spoke with my dear friend & business advisor Kyle Baxter, the owner of Big Bill Dog Consulting, about this very topic on his podcast – The Big Bulldog Review Podcast. Our discussion revealed that many business owners are unaware of how their unconscious, distorted mindsets are hindering their entrepreneurial goals and preventing them from reaching their fullest potential.


If you’re a business owner, this podcast is for you! Click the video to listen now. Additionally, if you’re in need of business advising, Kyle Baxter who is a 10x Business Advisor, and is also superb at helping you achieve and understand key concepts to elevate your business. Click the link to learn more about his services and how he can assist you in reaching your goals!

Until next time, stay well and take care,

Zelina Chinwoh, MSW, LCSW


For more related content like this, be sure to listen to “The Dear Unapologetically Me” podcast on Apple or Spotify. Also, check out The Healing Experience Now Website with all exclusive content and our YouTube page at The Healing Experience Now.


Disclaimer: This article is intended for educational purposes only. The information provided is not a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the guidance of a qualified healthcare provider or mental health professional with any questions you may have regarding your mental health or well-being.


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